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Faculty/Staff TCCC Library Services: Library Handbook

This guide contains useful information to help faculty/staff find out more information about the library.

Library Account Activation

Faculty/Staff Online Handbook for TCCC Library

The Dr. Carl D. Dockery Library Faculty /Staff Handbook

PURPOSE The purpose of the Library/Media Center is to support the College in achieving its goal of providing education. To accomplish this, book and audiovisual materials and equipment are acquired and circulated to faculty and students to enrich and supplement course work. Supplemental materials of general interest are provided so that opportunities for education can extend beyond the horizons of a particular course of study

Hours of Operation:


Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

CLOSED FridaySaturday, Sunday, Holidays, Semester Breaks 

Library Computer Resource Center closes 15 minutes before the Library. The Library/Media Center will observe the same holidays as the College. During breaks services are limited to faculty and staff only

TCCC Library Resources

RESOURCES Tri-County Library/Media Center is more than just a collection of books. It contains items such as e-books, online periodicals, DVDs, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual equipment. The entire collection includes about 14,000 book volumes, over 3,000 audiovisual items, 38 print magazine subscriptions, over 23,000 electronic full-text titles and over 200,000 electronic books. These materials provide library users with many items, both interesting and helpful.

COMPUTER RESOURCES The Library/Media Center computers provide access to various electronic information resources, including the Internet and NCLIVE. The Library staff is prepared to instruct students in the use of electronic information sources and research. The computer center is always busy and stations are not always available. Please schedule ahead before sending groups of students for research. Students are provided access to Microsoft Office programs and TC’s online learning platform, however only minimal assistance can offered in the use of these programs. Students needing extensive assistance are referred back to his/her instructor or to a staffed computer lab, when available. 

Online Catalog- Find Items in TCCC Library

ONLINE CATALOG The online public access catalog system, iLink, is accessible to any computer with Internet access, including your office or home computer, through the library web site. A complete listing of books, AV materials and equipment owned by the library is searchable by keyword, author, title or subject. You may access your library account by typing in your library card number and PIN number (last 4 digits of your TC ID number). 

 CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Materials in the collection are arranged using the Library of Congress Classification system. Please ask TC library staff for assistance in locating materials. 

NC LIVE is a state funded resource consisting of commercial databases and electronic full-text materials available via the Internet. A password allows access from home and office computers. Students, faculty, staff may sign up for an Online TC account number on the library website. 

Print Periodicals and Newspapers


Due to the wide range of electronic magazines available on NCLIVE, only a small selection of current issues of magazines and newspapers is maintained in the Library. Current issues cannot be checked out, but may be borrowed by instructors for class presentations or to make photocopies. Check with the library staff if you need to borrow them for this reason.  Visit OverDrive Magazines to access downloadable magazines.

Interlibrary Loan


Books or periodical articles that are not owned by the TCCC Library may be obtained from other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan service. ILL materials may be borrowed for 3 weeks, with no renewal. There is no charge for this service, but sufficient time should be allowed for the materials to arrive.

Library Instruction


Faculty members are encouraged to schedule instructional sessions to introduce classes to the library, its resources, and services and to familiarize students with research methods. Instruction can be focused to cover specific topics of a particular course.

Some regular classes include:

 ACA 111 Introduction to the Library, Internet and NCLIVE 

 ENG 111 Introduction to Research  Instruction in specific areas of NCLIVE as determined by the instructor

Please call extension 4218 or e-mail at least one week in advance to reserve space and staff time. 

Borrowing Materials from TC Library


Faculty and staff are encouraged to borrow materials from the library to support teaching needs during the semester. A number of book or media materials of personal interest are also available. Faculty and staff may check out all materials with the exception of Reference titles.


Materials are due on the last day of each semester and are renewable if no other faculty member has placed a HOLD on the material.

 Teaching items - 1 semester.

 Personal items - 3 weeks.

FINES Although NO overdue fines are charged, faculty are requested to return or renew Library materials by their due date. Faculty may be charged a replacement fee for damaged or lost books.

Requesting New Materials for Library

All faculty/staff members are invited to make recommendations for books and other materials to assist students in conducting research, completing assignments or to otherwise enhance their education. These are items that students and or other faculty/staff members may check out. Requests for the purchase of items to be used in the classroom may be submitted to your department head.

When submitting a request to the library, please include as much information as you can, including if an item is needed for Reserve. You may send brochures, catalogs, magazine or newspaper advertisements, prints from a database, etc. Or, you may submit request forms via e-mail at The library will order as many faculty-suggested titles as the budget will allow, within the parameters of the Library Collection Development Policy. When requesting more than 5 items, please separate them into three categories: indispensable, useful or desirable. It takes about 8 to 10 weeks for the library to receive ordered materials. 

Graham County Center

The college does not maintain library facilities at the Graham County Center, however physical learning/information resources may be sent from the library to Graham location via inter-campus mail which is delivered by the college courier daily. Students and faculty may search the library catalog to find what the TC library owns.  An item request form is available for students and faculty to electronically request materials to be sent to the Graham campus.  Expect a delivery time between 1-3 business days.  If you are unable to locate needed resources, please contact the main library to assist you in borrowing books or periodical articles. 

Faculty Reserves

Faculty may request that the Library place library-owned or personal materials on Reserve at the Circulation Desk at the main library. These items may have special restrictions on their circulation as determined by the faculty and library staff. Typical restrictions include "Library Use Only", "2-day checkout" and "Overnight". Materials will be available on reserve for one semester and will be removed at the end of the semester, unless otherwise specified.

Photocopies of excerpts from copyrighted works can be placed on reserve in accordance with the “Fair Use” Copyright guidelines.

 Examples include an article from a periodical or newspaper; chapter from a book, a short story, essay or poem; a chart, drawing or picture from a book, periodical or newspaper.

 Please provide complete citations on all photocopied items. Specify author/editor, title, publisher, edition, version, date, as appropriate

If you are placing a personal item on Reserve, please indicate whether it can be borrowed!!

Accessibility Services

Some areas of the Library/Media Center may not be accessible to individuals with certain handicaps. The library staff will make every effort to assist them in making sure all materials are fully available.   A ADA compliant computer workstation is available with assistive software and technology.  

Audiovisual Equipment

Projectors and DVD/VCRs, and smartboards are available in each campus classroom. Other equipment such as laptops can be checked out at the Library/Media Center. Library staff will be glad to demonstrate the correct operation and set up of audiovisual equipment. Due to the limited number of library staff, faculty will be responsible for the operation of the equipment during their classes.

Audiovisual Equipment that is available for Faculty/Staff:

  •  Overhead projector
  • TV/VCR
  • CD/Audiocassette player
  • Slide projector
  • VCR/DVD player/recorders
  • MP3 player
  • Portable projection screen
  •  Video/data projectors
  • Lap top computers
  • Elmo portable document projector/camera 
  • Bloggie HD camera
  • Digital video/photo cameras 
  • WebCam 
  • Microphones
  • Digital Voice recorders